SUA animal referral Hospital is the part of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences where by Veterinary education in East Africa started in 1942 in Makerere College which was affiliated to University of London in 1959, this Veterinary school shifted from Uganda (Makerere University) to Kenya and 1962 the School was incorporative into University Collage of Nairobi, Kabete Campus. Later the school was elevated to Nairobi Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in 1972 and started to award the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine. In Tanzania the Veterinary Education started when the division of Veterinary Science was established under the Faculty of Agriculture and Forest of University of Dar es Salaam 1976. After establishment of Sokoine University of Agriculture, the Division of Veterinary Science was elevated to form the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Initially the Faculty was offering the Bachelor of Veterinary Science (BVSc) which was later changed to Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM). Currently, in addition to BVM the College also offers the Bachelor of Biotechnology and Laboratory Science (BLS) and postgraduate degrees at Masters and PhD Levels.