lazaro Committees – Department of Veterinary Microbiology, Parasitology and Biotechnology – Sokoine University of Agriculture


Department committees play crucial roles in the functioning and governance of the department. The specific roles and responsibilities vary for each committee.

  1. Departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee

The Departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee will be responsible for overseeing various aspects of undergraduate education within the Department. The committee’s primary focus is to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the undergraduate programmes and provide support to undergraduate students. The key responsibilities and functions of the Departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee:

  • Coordinate BLS degree programme and the students
  • Prepare teaching time tables and coordinate teaching arrangements for BLS programme.
  • Coordinate administration of End of semester examinations for courses offered under the department.
  • Moderate examinations and submit moderation report to the Head of Department timely.
  • To compile and process undergraduate examination results that will be present during the departmental board meeting
  • Recommend to the Head of Department supervisors for undergraduate students
  • Organize all seminar presentations (proposal/results) to be conducted by undergraduate students
  • Coordination of field practical training and excursions to BLS students

The committee is also required to report to the Departmental Board meetings on the issues related to the Departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee.


Members of the Committee 

The Departmental Undergraduate Studies Committee will constitute the following working members grouped into coordination teams.

Team/Role Names of Members
Chairperson Dr. Elisa Mwega
BLS coordination Dr. Eliakunda Mafie –Lead

Dr. Emma Peter

Time Table and teaching arrangements Dr. Alexanda Mzula –Lead

Dr. Adrian Materu

Examination moderation, Processing, Printing and coordination Dr. Jahashi Nzalawahe –Lead

Dr. Isaac Makundi -Secretary of committee

Mr. Ramadhani Makasali

Field Practical Training Coordination Dr. Emmanuel Kifaro –Lead

Dr. Emma Peter


  1. Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee

The Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee focuses on overseeing and managing the postgraduate programmes offered by the department. This committee plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and effectiveness of postgraduate education and supporting the academic and professional development of postgraduate students. The key responsibilities and functions of the Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee are:

  • Coordinate postgraduate degree programmes and the students
  • Prepare teaching time tables and coordinate teaching arrangements for MSc programmes.
  • Prepare End of semester examination time tables and coordinate administration of examinations for MSc courses offered under the department.
  • Participate in moderation of examinations and submitting moderation report to the Head of Department timely.
  • To compile and process postgraduate examination results that will be present during the departmental board meeting.
  • Recommend to the Head of Department supervisors for postgraduate students
  • Organize all seminar presentations (Concept Notes/proposals/results) to be conducted by postgraduate students.
  • Recommend to the Head of Department Discussants, Internal and External examiners for postgraduate students.
  • To prepare reports for postgraduate refereed seminar presentations and submit to the Office of the Head of Department.
  • To monitor and prepare students’ progress reports to be submitted to the Head of Department.
  • The committee is also required to report to the Department Board meetings and other meetings on the issues related to the Departmental Postgraduate Studies Committee.

 Members of the Committee

Name Role
Dr. Jahashi Nzalawahe Chairperson
Dr. Adrian Materu Secretary
Dr. Emma Peter Coordinator MSc OHMB and MBB
Dr. Isaac Makundi Coordinator MSc AM
Dr. Eliakunda Mafie Coordinator MSc Parasitology
Dr. Alexanda Mzula PhD and Mphil Programmes
  1. Research and Publication Committee

The Departmental Research and Publication Committee plays a crucial role in promoting and overseeing research and publication activities within the Department. The committee’s primary focus is to coordinate and enhance the research environment within the department. The key responsibilities and functions of the Departmental Research and Publication Committee are:

  • To coordinate all matters related to research and publications at the Department
  • To keep and update inventory of all research projects at the Department
  • To keep and update records of all special projects and postgraduate research works at the Department
  • To prepare and update departmental research priority areas
  • To search and receive research calls and communicate to the members of respective research team in our department
  • To compile and update the annotated list of all publications at the Department and earmark output with potential of commercialization
  • To link the department members with relevant donor organizations for possibility of funding.
  • The committee is also be required to report to the Departmental Board meetings on the issues related to Departmental Research and Publication Committee.


Members of the Committee 

Name Role
Dr. Alexanda Mzula Chairperson
Mary Lyimo Secretary
Dr. Elisa Mwega Member
Prof. Gerald Misinzo Member


  1. Departmental Website Technical Committee

The Departmental Website Technical Committee is responsible for managing and maintaining the technical aspects of the department’s website. Their primary role is to ensure that the department’s website is functioning properly, up-to-date, and user-friendly. The key responsibilities and functions of the Departmental Website Technical Committee are:

  • To oversees the development and design of the department’s website by creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that reflects the department’s branding and provides easy navigation for visitors.
  • To solicit, collect, review, endorse and manage the content from the departmental members and on the department’s website to ensure that the information displayed on the website is accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. This includes updating staff profiles, research projects, news, events, and other relevant content.
  • To determine the overall structure and organization of the website by establishing the website’s sections, menus, and subpages to ensure logical and intuitive navigation for users.
  • To regularly perform website maintenance tasks, such as checking for broken links, fixing technical issues, and ensuring that all website features and functionalities are working correctly. The committee is responsible for ensuring that updating of departmental web page contents is done at least four times per year (every three months).
  • To collaborate with college wide Website Committees and SUA IT staff by working together to troubleshoot technical issues, implement website updates or redesigns, and ensure seamless integration with other departmental systems and technologies.
  • The committee is also expected to have regular meetings and report matters arising to the Departmental Board meetings and CVMBS Website Technical Committee.

Members of the Committee 

Name Role
Prof. Gerald Misinzo Chairperson
Dr. Emmanuel Kifaro Secretary
Mr. Ramadhani Makasali Member


  1. Departmental Get Together Committee

The Departmental Get Together Committee, also referred to as the Social Committee or Events Committee, is responsible for organizing social gatherings and events within the department. Their primary role is to facilitate interaction among staff, and students, and create opportunities for socializing and networking. The key responsibilities and functions of the Departmental Get Together Committee are:

  • To plan and organize various departmental events and get-togethers including social gatherings, parties, picnics, outings, and other recreational activities by considering factors such as budget, venue selection, event themes, and logistics.
  • To promote departmental events to ensure maximum participation by creating event announcements, and digital promotions to spread the word within the department through various channels such as email, WhatsApp or the department’s website.
  • To be responsible for securing suitable venues for the events and coordinating logistics by liaising with venue providers, arrange necessary equipment or facilities, and ensure that the venues are set up appropriately for the event.
  • To select themes and activities for departmental events to make it engaging and enjoyable experience by considering the preferences and interests of the department’s community and plan activities such as games, contests, entertainment, or interactive sessions that promote participation and social interaction.
  • To manage the budget allocated for departmental events by estimating costs, preparing budgets, and seek additional funding sources if needed.
  • To arrange for food and refreshments during departmental events by coordinating with caterers or food vendors to provide appropriate menu options, accommodate dietary restrictions, and ensure a smooth dining experience for attendees.
  • To recruit and coordinate volunteers to assist with event setup, and other event-related tasks.
  • To collect feedback from event attendees and evaluate the success of departmental events.
  • The committee is also required to report to the Departmental Board meetings on the issues related to Departmental Get Together Committee.


Members of the Committee 

Name Role
Dr. Emma Peter Njau Chairperson
Secretary, DMPB Secretary
Theresia Paul Member
Salimu Bwata Member
Office Attendant, DMPB Member


  1. Gender and Grievance Social Committee

The Gender and Grievance Social Committee, also known as the Gender and Grievance Committee or the Social Justice Committee, is responsible for addressing gender-related issues and grievances within the department. Their primary role is to promote gender equity, create a safe and inclusive environment, and address any concerns or grievances related to gender-based discrimination, harassment, or bias. The key responsibilities and functions of the Departmental Gender and Grievance Social Committee are:

  • To raise awareness and educate the department’s staff and students about gender-related issues, discrimination, harassment, and bias.
  • To serve as a resource for addressing and resolving grievances related to gender-based discrimination, harassment, or bias within the department by providing guidance and support to individuals who wish to report incidents or seek redress.
  • To provide support to individuals who have experienced gender-based discrimination, harassment, or bias within the department.
  • To organize training programmes or workshops to sensitize staff, and students about gender issues, promoting a respectful and inclusive environment.
  • To collaborate with other relevant committees, departments, or university to address gender-related issues and promote gender equity within the broader academic community.
  • To organize events, discussions, or forums that promote dialogue and awareness around gender equity and social justice issues.
  • The committee is also required to report to the Departmental Board meetings on the issues related to Departmental Gender and Grievances Committee.

Members of the Committee

Name Role
Prof. Gerald Misinzo Chairperson
Eliakunda Mafie Secretary
Secretary, DMPB Member