latest news


BLS Graduands
  GRADUATION CEREMONY     Graduands and Members of the General Public are hereby informed that the 36th SUA Graduation Ceremony will be held on Friday 18th December, 2020 at Solomon Mahlangu Campus (SMC), “Nelson Mandela Freedom Square”, Mazimbu in Morogoro, starting at 10:00 am. During the day, the Chancellor of SUA will confer degree and non-degree...
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Dep Amb Comp 2
The Poland Deputy Ambasador to Tanzania, Dr Ewelina Lubieniecka has paid a visit to the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Studies (CVMBS) on 30th November 2020 to witness the achieved implementation of “Improving the quality of youth education in veterinary sciences in Tanzania through improvement of teaching conditions at the College of Veterinary Medicine...
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Lauching gropu photo condensed
Launching of the major laboratories mainly used for student practical teaching was conducted at the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (CVMBS) on 26th November, 2020. The two laboratories, as well as the Teaching Hospital diagnostic laboratory were renovated by the previously reported “Improvement of the quality of youth education in veterinary sciences in...
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Resistration 3
The College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science (CVMBS) welcomes the first year students who are joining to take BVM, BLS, DLT and DAH programs which are hosted by the College. The College expects to host more than 500 new students in the four programs joining in the year 2020/21. The new students are currently...
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CVMBS Students at Kitulo Njombe Region
Introduction Image: Semen collection for analysis and preparation of semen for artificial insemination. First image: Biomedical Students on their way to Ifakara health Institute (image taken in September).  Next image: Animal Health  Diploma students enjoying their training Next image: Vet Students during training in Serengeti National Park. Sample collection from Buffalo Last image below: Vet...
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In Tanzania at Sokoine University of Agriculture a charity called APOPO have been training rats to detect landmines since the early 1990s. Even today, it’s estimated that there are still 80 million landmines around the world which are lying active and unknown. That’s why rats like Magawa have been trained. Magawa is an African Giant...
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Bodi mpya ya Ndaki ya Tiba za Wanyama na Sayansi za Tiba, iliyoanza majukumu yake kuanzia mwezi Juni mwaka huu;  leo tarehe 29 mwezi Septemba kabla ya kuketi kikao chake cha kawaida cha 16, imetembelea na kujionea ukarabati mkubwa wa majengo na miundombinu mbalimbali unaondelea ndani ya Ndaki ya Tiba za Wanyama na Sayansi za...
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Training workshop on writing winning grant research proposals 1
CYSTINET-Africa project at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has organized a 4-day workshop on writing winning research grant proposals held 22nd to 25th 2020 at green park hotel in Bagamoyo, Pwani.  On opening the workshop training, Dr. Ernatus Mkupasi said that, the objective of the workshop was to enhance skills of Early Career researchers (ECRs)...
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TVA welcomes promotion and advertisements during the upcoming 38th TVA conference and will ensure maximum visibility of all sponsors. Promotion in the form of abstract (text), graphics (high quality image logos) or both are invited at any of the following four categories: Tanzanite sponsors. Sponsors whose support exceeds USD 2,000 (exceed TZS 4,500,000). Sponsor logo...
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The Tanzania Veterinary Association (TVA) is pleased to inform you that the 38th TVA scientific conference and Annual General    Meeting (AGM) will be held at Arusha International Conference Centre (AICC) in Arusha, Tanzania from Thursday 10th to Saturday 12th December 2020.   THEME: Equitable access to Veterinary services for improvement of animal health, productivity and...
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